Browse Works
Additional Information
Fumbling is a big question
fumbling is a concern
fumbling is complex and
fumbling is inexperience
fumbling is one of life's little mysteries
fumbling is very rare
Fumbling is also commonplace
fumbling is costly
fumbling is fake
fumbling is awkward
fumbling is distracting
fumbling is what I am talking about here
Fumbling is a bad thing
fumbling is not
fumbling is a sign of intoxication
fumbling is both funny and poignant
fumbling is endearing and small errors will be forgiven
(fumbling is not among them)
Fumbling is unacceptable
fumbling is boring and time consuming and can lose attention
fumbling is something that's correctable
fumbling is endemic
fumbling is an art
(fumbling is involved)
fumbling is all that keeps it alive
Fumbling is followed by more fumbling
fumbling is fumbling
fumbling is what this day is all about
fumbling is just a desperate cry for help.