Browse Works
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Based on Oscar Wilde's play of the same name, 'Lady Windermere's Fan' is a short opera work following the story of Lord and Lady Windermere in Act 1.
This composition was made in collaboration with Ulster Touring Opera and funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and National Lottery's 'Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Programme'.
The piece was first written for soprano, baritone, flute, cello and piano. It was then workshopped in Queen's University Belfast's 'Sonic Arts Research Centre' with the 'Hard Rain Soloist Ensemble' and opera singers Anna Gregg and Eoin Foran in July 2024.
In August 2024 the aria section orchestration was expanded to include piccolo, clarinet, violin and marimba as well as flute, cello and piano at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. It was then performed and recorded by the RCS Ensemble.