Seven Moments on the Cross - For Organ (1993)
Browse Works
Additional Information
This is a seven section piece for organ with the musical material derived from the hymn tune “Horsley” (There is a Green Hill Far Away). The original hymn tune is in the pedal part and is perhaps most evident in the central fourth section, in which the hands play toccata-like music over the first phrase of the hymn tune, The seven short sections are arranged in chiasmic (Cross) form i.e. symmetrically around the central fourth section. This structural religious symbolism was used by Bach in some of his Cantatas. In this music I am trying to capture both the cruelty and poignancy of the crucifixion of Christ. This recording was made by myself (with a little computer help) on my Makin organ that I have at home.
Date recorded
March 2023
Leigh Harrison
Seven Moments on the Cross - For Organ