As a music-maker, I specialise in creating electro-acoustic music designed to induce altered states of consciousness, required for undertaking shamanic journeying, inner focusing and meditation.
My practice-based research combines both my music-making and my shamanic journeying as a continual process that I have termed ‘Spiritual Musicking’, an expansion upon Christopher Small’s theory of ‘Musicking’. I documented my ‘Spiritual Musicking’ practice of music-making and shamanic journeying for a PhD in Sonic Art at Coventry University, which I passed without any amendments in 2019. My thesis title was: Golden Sunset, Blue Rain: The Shamanic Journeys. A Practice-Based Investigation into ‘Spiritual Musicking’ and Its Creative Music-Making Realisations. Prior to undertaking my PhD, I had completed a BA First Class Honours degree in Music Composition and Professional Practice and an MA with Distinction in Music Composition at Coventry University. I also hold Associate Fellowship of the National College of Music and Arts, London (AFNCollM), and Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
I have released a range of my music for streaming and download and these vary from shamanic and spiritual soundscapes, to short instrumental compositions, to experimental and ambient tracks. As well as commercially releasing music for streaming and download, I compose music for synchronisation purposes and these can be found on numerous music library licensing sites.
Nicholas Peters - February 2021