Learn more about the British Music Collection Online – a discovery platform for new music in the UK, run by Sound and Music.
What is the British Music Collection?
Welcome to the British Music Collection Online – a discovery platform for new music in the UK, run by Sound and Music.
This collection grows all the time as more and more composers create profiles and contribute their work. A diverse group of creators and curators weave its content together, responding in unique and original ways, from original documentary series, to interviews, collaborations, and recurring programmes of articles.
This website is closely related to the British Music Collection physical archive – a publicly accessible collection of over 70,000 scores, 21,000 recordings and other artefacts including books, programme notes and photographs, cared for by our partners at the University of Huddersfield and housed at state-of-the-art archive centre Heritage Quay.
Find out more about the history of the British Music Collection and Heritage Quay here.
Who is it for?
Composers, curators and curious listeners.
Composers: The British Music Collection is an exciting and diverse online space for UK-based composers to create profiles representing themselves and their works. Join a constantly expanding archive of the most important names in UK composition, and take advantage of the unique opportunities a profile provides.
Curators: Every year we have a number of paid opportunities to help us to curate and open up the collection and its stories for a wider audience. All opportunities to curate are public and we also welcome speculative proposals and enquiries – no experience is necessary but a passion for the subject matter or theme is desirable. Curation can take the form of blogs, exhibitions, podcasts and more.
Listeners: The British Music Collection is a treasure trove for anybody interested in new music from the 20th and 21st centuries (including the present day), particularly music which has not been created for commercial gain and could otherwise be side-lined. Individuals within the collection range from hidden historical figures neglected in mainstream programming, to those on the cutting edge of new music, pushing at the boundaries of what composition means in the UK.
I’m a composer, why should I join?
Creating a composer profile not only places you on the map as part of modern UK composition, it also offers great opportunities to develop your online visibility via our broad promotional network.
• Join over 3000 of the UK’s most interesting and influential composers in one space online
• Make yourself and your works more discoverable online
• Make your works searchable by key words, instruments and duration, and browse-able through curated content
• Use unlimited freetags* to make sure your name and works are connected to areas of greatest significance to you
• Curate articles and exhibitions of your own which will be promoted by Sound and Music
• Get selected and featured by another curator at any time
• Have your profile and works featured in the British Music Collection’s e-newsletter, which reaches over 800 music professionals and specialists
*Freetags are key words used to classify information
How do I join?
Click here to get started. Should you require any additional support please contact us via thecollection@soundandmusic.org
Do I need to be a member of PRS?
You do not need to be a member of PRS. However, Sound and Music works to increase opportunities for composers in the UK. We recommend all composers join PRS to make sure you receive royalties for any performance or broadcast of your work but it is not necessary in order to create a profile.
A profile already exists for me, how do I edit it?
For access information please contact thecollection@soundandmusic.org and we will issue you with log in details.
As much as possible, we are aiming to update and maintain profiles across the collection that become outdated. This may involve using publicly available information on composers, such as from their websites and other publically available sources. If you have any queries or issues regarding the information used on your profile, please contact thecollection@soundandmusic.org and we'll be happy to resolve these.
What about Intellectual Property / Copyright?
The British Music Collection’s online content is exclusively made available for research, perusal, and non-commercial promotion and publicity. Users may not copy, reproduce, republish, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, download, post, broadcast, transmit, make available to the public, or otherwise use the website content in any way except for their own personal, non-commercial use.
Users may not use the website content for performance or recording. Users must also agree not to adapt, alter or create a derivative work from any the website content except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of the website content requires the prior written permission of Sound and Music and any relevant licensor. Please contact us with any questions.
How do I delete my profile?
Contact us on thecollection@soundandmusic.org and we will remove it for you.
Can I submit scores / work in physical formats?
The British Music Collection physical archive has not been able to accept physical works in any format since 2007 due to limited space and resources. If you are having trouble submitting your materials digitally please contact us for assistance.
Can I perform or broadcast works in the collection?
Sound and Music only owns the rights to a very small number of works in the collection. As such, it is your responsibility to obtain any necessary permissions for performance or broadcast. Please do let us know if you have used the collection to find works in this way, we would love to find out more.
Who are Sound and Music?
Sound and Music is the national charity for new music in the UK.
Our mission is to maximise the opportunities for people to create and enjoy new music.
Our work includes composer and artist development, partnerships with a range of organisations, audience engagement, touring, information and advice, network building, and education.
You can find out more here:
Twitter: @soundandmusic
Email: thecollection@soundandmusic.org
Instagram: @soundandmusicuk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7749 1117
If you’d like to support Sound and Music’s work to champion new music and the work of all British composers and creators you can do so here.