Franklyn Oliver (b.1999) is a Mancunian composer and Jaw Harpist based in London. His first experience with a musical instrument was when he joined his local brass band and had a rusty cornet thrust into his hands at the age of seven.
Using a variety of mediums, Franklyn's practice often reflects on his relationship with his hometown, as well as exploring a variety of political topics.
Among his influences are Frank Zappa, Meredith Monk, Lili Boulanger, and Neil Luck.
Franklyn has completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and King's College London respectively. Throughout his studies, he has received lessons from Sir George Benjamin, Stephen Montague, Thomas Hyde, Stephen Montague, Deirdre Gribbin, Laura Bowler, Paul Newland, and Sam Hayden amongst others.
Franklyn has had the opportunity to collaborate with a variety of ensembles, artists and choreographers, including CoMA, Fretwork, Standard Issue, Glenn Parkes, the Tough Boys Dance Collective, Eileen Kim, and Maddy Falconer.
Working also as a music scholar, Franklyn's academic practice investigates the significance of instrumentation choices in political songwriting movements across the world, focusing on Nueva CanciĆ³n. In June 2024, he gave lectures on this topic at City University New York and New York University as part of the Mise-En music festival.
Composer Website
London/ Manchester
United Kingdom