Hello! I've lived and worked, always immersed in music, in East Anglia, the north of Scotland, and Dublin - variously working as a composer, organist/pianist, conductor, singer, manager, and facilitator. I'm Associate Composer of the choral group Apollo 5, founder-director of Albion and the Rivelin Singers, a former member of Anúna, Learning & Participation Manager at Music in the Round, and a graduate of the University of Sheffield.
My music emerges from everything I do and experience, often responding to spaces and people, much of it based on existing texts or tunes, always rooted in the exploration of beauty and the intent to add something different and worthwhile to the world.
Three of my pieces feature on Apollo5's new release, O Radiant Dawn, which is flying high in the classical charts. We’re brewing new music and new projects as our partnership continues.
The music of the choral group Albion, and the subsequent spin-off Songs & Stories of Albion, all composed/arranged by me, has been heard by thousands of people and praised for its beauty, ethereal intricacy, and power to move.
I’m also working on a long-term project to set the whole psalter to Anglican chant… I’ve set about half of it so far. If you’d like to help me out by being a guinea pig or contributing chants, or would like copies of the settings I’ve done so far, please contact me!
I’ve been commissioned by people all over the world, including Fair Oriana, choral groups, wedding couples, string quartets, singers, and loads of others. I love working with musicians and commissioners to create just the right thing.
As heard on & in: BBC Radio 3 & 4 & local stations, Classic FM, RTE radio and TV, churches & cathedrals, caves, breweries, festivals, and my Mum's Spotify favourites...
Composer Website
North, south, east, and west
United Kingdom