One of the most exciting and idiomatic voices to emerge in recent years, Tom Ingoldsby’s music owes its immediacy and accessibility to a combination of engaging rhythmic complexity with a superb ear for instrumental colour and a long-breathed lyricism.
A “late arriver” to classical music, Tom’s musical origins lie in rock and roll, and he lists artists from the Beatles to King Crimson as major influences on his life. After playing guitar in a few semi-successful rock bands, he began composing short pieces for piano, one of which won a Music Canada award. He studied composition with Boyd McDonald and Mariano Etkin at Wilfred Laurier University, and then obtained his Master’s degree at the State University of New York, Buffalo, working for two years with Morton Feldman. He subsequently spent three years at the Cleveland Institute of Music studying with Donald Erb.
[Biography adapted from the composer's website]