Phillip Matty is a composer, oboist and singer. He is Recently graduated from a MMus in composition at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Graduating with a Distinction.
He completed a Masters of Mathematics (MMath) at the University of York in 2021.
Recent projects of his include: a comission from Orchestra in the Shape of a Pear on an instiliation piece at Mosely Road Baths, the piece was an exciting collaberation exploring the sonorities of mathematical structures; A project working with a wind trio in Chicago exploring music related to algorithmic art; and A premier of a new solo piano work as part of COMA's 30th Birthday weekend.
He has also worked with the Welsh National Opera and an inner city Birmingham primary school exploring with children the idea of schooling during the first Covid-19 lockdown. As well as creating works with and for the Chimera Ensemble, Arc Project, Opera societies and many individuals.
During his on going development Phillip is working with many of the students at the Conservatoire and outside of it to develop solo and ensemble piece many of which have perfomance dates in the near future.
During the summer of 2021 he was interviewed for a composers spotlight with the Arc Project. A link to which can be found on this page.
Composer Website
United Kingdom