Simon Belshaw studied composition with Gavin Bryars and Andy Hugill; he completed his PhD at the University of Hertfordshire in 2005. During this time he started his own ensemble The Belshaw Band to perform his works. In tandem with this work he has been working on a his Music Machine project. Music Machines have developed from his interest in process, systems and generative music. Each machine explores a single idea; some are simple, some more complex. More recently he has developed the machines as stand alone installation pieces or for live performance from a web based score. They have been played on BBC Radio 3 and 6 Music, as part of Vox Novus 60X60 and heard at the Hilltown New Music Festival, AudioGraft Festival, NonClassical, York Spring Festival of New Music, Sonoroties Festival as well as at other single events. In 2015 he received funding from the Francis Chagrin Award to continue this project.
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